What do you do when you’re standing at the beginning of a something new, staring at a foreboding path before you? You see light leading into it, and some glimpses within, but the farther you look you have no idea where it leads. You think it would be easier to turn back rather than walk forward, and even look for other paths to take, but there are times where you just have to walk the path before you.

The crazy thing about this path is that it’s familiar; it’s one you’ve seen before. In the past you thought you could make different choices so that you wouldn’t be standing at this place again but you find yourself here anyway. You’re here knowing what you’ve done before, and what you probably should do now, but you’re weary of that path all the same.

I saw this path while exploring an area that I’ve never been to before and I thought I’d take this picture to remind me of what I was feeling before I walked ahead. I had such a sense of joy from the opportunity to see something new, to be able to explore and hopefully be amazed, and I found a sense of peace and wonder in the moment. It was truly an amazing feeling.

May the path ahead be filled with many more moments that wow and amaze; that bring even more joy and peace than ever could be hoped for.